Private State Token DEMO

These demos use PrivateStateTokenV1VOPRF of the Private State Token API for issuance and redemption and BoringSSL to create an issuance service.

How to run the demos

  1. Open the 🛂 Private State Token Redeemer demo with Chrome
  2. Click a "click continue to read"
  3. If your browser doesn't have a token, click a link to 🎫 Private State Token Issuer demo.
  4. Click a Yes I'm a Human to issue a new token
  5. Redirect back to Redeemer
  6. Click a "click continue to read" again, then you can read more !

Note: If the demo isn't working for you, it might mean that we need to re-register the demo issuer. Try running Chrome with this command to bypass the issuer registration check while we're fixing it for you:

Setup Chrome

  • You can use your preferred Chrome Version and adjust the command below (for example, "Google Chrome Canary")
  • Make sure you close all the instances of this Chrome version before running the command
  • The command below runs Chrome with registered as an issuer.

open -a "Google Chrome" --args --additional-private-state-token-key-commitments='{ "": { "PrivateStateTokenV1VOPRF": { "protocol_version": "PrivateStateTokenV1VOPRF", "id": 1, "batchsize": 1, "keys": { "1": { "Y": "AAAAAQQ7W5gOubJT3kTpzNGsekT9RZPXgXGrOMB2+QPw/ZzAuLrM3kc8eyHuTc1KmKjH4sh5+ev5GCI4HVVd46o6rWvNvk0iZQtVuUPhT8X54Ajebng8v5zUnpnPuTjGqlc7+MM=", "expiry": "2082758399000000" } } } } }'

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