Private State Token DEMO
These demos use PrivateStateTokenV1VOPRF of the Private State Token API for issuance and redemption and BoringSSL to create an issuance service.
How to run the demos
- Open the 🛂 Private State Token Redeemer demo with Chrome
- Click a "click continue to read"
- If your browser doesn't have a token, click a link to 🎫 Private State Token Issuer demo.
- Click a Yes I'm a Human to issue a new token
- Redirect back to Redeemer
- Click a "click continue to read" again, then you can read more !
Note: If the demo isn't working for you, it might mean that we need to re-register the demo issuer. Try running Chrome with this command to bypass the issuer registration check while we're fixing it for you:
Setup Chrome
- You can use your preferred Chrome Version and adjust the command below (for example, "Google Chrome Canary")
- Make sure you close all the instances of this Chrome version before running the command
- The command below runs Chrome with
registered as an issuer.
open -a "Google Chrome" --args --additional-private-state-token-key-commitments='{ "": { "PrivateStateTokenV1VOPRF": { "protocol_version": "PrivateStateTokenV1VOPRF", "id": 1, "batchsize": 1, "keys": { "1": { "Y": "AAAAAQQ7W5gOubJT3kTpzNGsekT9RZPXgXGrOMB2+QPw/ZzAuLrM3kc8eyHuTc1KmKjH4sh5+ev5GCI4HVVd46o6rWvNvk0iZQtVuUPhT8X54Ajebng8v5zUnpnPuTjGqlc7+MM=", "expiry": "2082758399000000" } } } } }'
Source Code
- GoogleChromeLabs/private-state-token-demo
- This is not a Google product.